
Aloe marlothii

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Aloe marlothii - Boomaalwyn, Kgopha
Common name: Boomaalwyn, Kgopha
Family: Asphodelaceae
Distribution: Botswana, KwaZulu-Natal, Mozambique, Northern Provinces, Swaziland
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Life form: Succulent
Comments: Mozambique, Botswana, southern Zimbabwe, northern and north-eastern South Africa. Mostly in savannah. A spectacular tree-like species often dominating the landscape. Zulus drink a decoction of the green leaf and root to treat round-worm and for stomach troubles. Said to cause vomiting if taken in large amounts. Zulu women rub the green leaf pulp over their breasts to hasten the weaning of children.


  • 1: bed So1 • Accession: 18181/1
  • 2: bed So2 • Accession: 18257/2
  • 3: bed So2 • Accession: S1984-2922 • Origin: South Africa • Provenance: Wild
  • 4: bed So4 • Accession: S1984-2922 • Origin: South Africa • Provenance: Wild
Cluster Area Area
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