
Clivia robusta

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Clivia robusta - Swamp Clivia
Common name: Swamp Clivia
Family: Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis)
Synonym: Clivia 'Robusta'
Distribution: Garden Origin
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber)
Comments: Clivia robusta is a largest growing member of the Clivia family. It can reach over 1.5m high in ideal conditions, but usually will grow to about 1m tall. It has orange to red coloured pendulous flowers with green tips and is said to be more tolerant of sun and over-watering than most other Clivia. In fact, some people grow them in light shade on the banks of dams and flood areas.


  • 1: bed 27 • Accession: S2012-0249/1 • Provenance: Garden
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual