
Correa baeuerlenii

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Correa baeuerlenii - Chef's Cap, Chef's Hat Correa
Common name: Chef's Cap, Chef's Hat Correa
Family: Rutaceae (Rue)
Distribution: New South Wales
Regional red list: Vulnerable
National red list: Vulnerable
Life form: Evergreen shrub/sub-shrub
Comments: Naturally rare due to a restricted distribution around creeklines in moist forests from Braidwood to Bega in south-eastern New South Wales.


  • 1: bed 128h • Accession: S2024-0463/1 • Provenance: Garden
  • 2: bed D8F • Accession: S2014-0168/1 • Provenance: Garden
  • 3: bed D8F • Accession: S2014-0168/2 • Provenance: Garden
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual