
Persoonia pinifolia

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Persoonia pinifolia - Pine-leaved Geebung, mambara (Cadigal)
Common name: Pine-leaved Geebung, mambara (Cadigal)
Family: Proteaceae (Protea)
Distribution: New South Wales
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Life form: Evergreen shrub/sub-shrub
Comments: Distribution - central coast region of New South Wales on sandstone in open forest and heath. Geebung fruits ripen on the ground and are best when soft. Discard the skin and enjoy the soft pulp around the seed.


  • 1: bed 21a • Accession: S2000-0861/3 • Provenance: Garden
  • 2: bed 21a • Accession: S2010-0964/2 • Provenance: Garden
  • 3: bed 22e • Accession: S2020-0161/1 • Provenance: Garden
  • 4: bed 22e • Accession: S2020-0226/1 • Provenance: Garden
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual